
Zongrong(Jasper) Li

Student at USC

University of Southern California


Current, I am seeking a Ph.D. position that combines machine learning, GIS, and their applications in economics and finance.

Hi!! I am Zongrong(Jasper) Li, a first-year master student at the University of Southern California, majoring in Spatial Data Science.I am also an influencer(20k followers) in Xiaohongshu, dedicated to sharing learning and data analysis-related experiences and contributing to the community.

My primary research interests focus on integrating machine learning and GIS technologies into economics and finance, particularly through GeoAI and ScienceAI, to enhance insights and applications.

Email: zongrong[at]usc[dot]edu


  • GeoAI
  • Spatial Economics & Finance


  • M.S. in Spatial Data Science, 2025

    University of Southern California

  • B.A. in Economics, Finance, 2022

    Nanjing Audit University



Cluster Analysis and Validation in Unraveling Environmental Context of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Using Geometric Deep Learning of Satellite Imagery

Supervisor: Jay Yang The utilization of social determinants of health (SDOH) has enhanced the understanding of cancer disparities, yet …

2023 Hawaii Wildfire Cost-Effective Rapid Wildfire Analysis

Team member: Zongrong Li, Qiluo Li, Haiyang Li This project presents a detailed analysis of the 2023 wildfires in Hawaii, particularly …

Analysis of Flood Exposure and Vulnerability in megacities of Varying Development Levels Based on DMSP-OLS

Supervisor: Zhiwei Li Urban flooding increasingly threatens megacities, especially in low-income countries. Despite the gravity of the …

Industrial Experience


Deep Learning Intern

City of Hope

Jan 2024 – Present California

Research Assistant

HKPoly University

Sep 2023 – Present Hong kong (Romte)
Assessed global flood impacts on megacities using Google Earth Engine to analyze nighttime light data and flood databases, revealing regional recovery disparities, with plans for publication

Data Analyst Intern

NetEase Youdao

Jan 2023 – Apr 2023 Beijing, CN
Aimed to optimize sales and market entry strategies by standardizing regional and educational data, successfully boosting sales conversions by 30% and informing TikTok's market research for strategic decision-making

Research Assistant

Nanjing Audit University

Sep 2019 – May 2021 Nanjing, CN
Utilized Big Data and GIS to analyze 3TB of data, identifying transport inefficiencies and aiding in the setup of a geospatial data warehouse, enhancing urban structure optimization and decision-making processes.


bronze medal in Kaggle's Child Mind Institute - Detect Sleep States

Outstanding Graduate Award

Provincial Champion of The World Mandarin Debating Championship